Tuesday, 14 September 2010

More Outside Love

Everything tastes better when you're outside, doesn't it?

So now that our backyard is in better shape and the weather's getting a bit cooler, we're outside as much as possible.  Yesterday was the boys' first day at daycare and Christian didn't want to leave when we went to pick him up so I guess that's a good sign.  Dave made this yummy dinner above:  Grilled flounder stuffed with crabmeat (ala Trader Joe's- we love their frozen fish) with black beans & rice, and salata.  {Did you notice the leaf that fell from the tree above.. Here comes Fall!!}

After dinner we all enjoyed a fire:

And then we put the kids to bed & enjoyed this:

We've just recently reminded ourselves that we need to savor the little things...  to take pleasure in the every day.  Have a beautiful one!!

xoxo, Lauren

*After reading the comments, I should add here that the black beans & rice shown is boxed Zatarain's & if you don't have time to make it from scratch, this stuff is THE BEST.  (Try all of their flavors...  We love the jambalaya and dirty rice and adding sausage & shrimp & fresh herbs makes it Heaven!)

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